Thursday, 12 November 2015


Li-Fi technology started from the 1990’s in some countries like Germany, Korea, and Japan. “Harald Hass” who is the professor of the University of Edinburgh has found the Li-Fi to transmit the data using visible light in his research.
 What is Li-Fi?
Li-Fi is transmission of data through illumination, sending data through a LED light bulb that varies in intensity faster than the human eye can follow.
German physicist,DR.Harald Haas

Li-Fi stands for LIGHT FIDELITY . It is a wireless communication technology and consider as the new version of Wi-Fi. It uses LED s (Light Emitted Diodes) to transmit the data .

How Li-Fi works?
Every LED bulb can be used like Wi-Fi hot-spots and can sending data through the LED light bulb .If the LED is on , transmit the digital 1’s. If its off you transmit a 0’s. It can be switched ON and OFF very quickly. So its operational procedure is very simple.
Li-Fi and Wi-Fi transmit data through the electromagnetic spectrum. But Li-Fi uses visual light instead of Radio waves to transmit data.

Visible light transmits the information more faster than Radio wave. Researchers said that Li-Fi transmit the data 250 times faster than super fast broadband. And the visible light spectrum is 10,000 times larger than the Radio frequency.
Wi-Fi communication has some issues .Expensive, limited transmission, easy to hack, cannot use it under the water. But Li-Fi gives relief from these issues.

Anyone Create An Online Store From Their Phone

Shopify’s New App Sello Allows Anyone Create An Online Store From Their Phone

E-commerce company Shopify is launching a new app called Sello.
Sello product director Christopher Lobay said that even though Shopify has made it easier for businesses to build online stores, it now wants to go further by “democratizing” the selling process and “removing all the intimidation” that might prevent someone from selling products online.
With Sello, you just snap a photo of the product that you want to sell, add a price and description, then you’re ready to go. You’ll be able to accept credit card and PayPal payments, and you can share your product listings on social networks.
In fact, Lobay said most products will probably be found through social promotion, rather than through the app itself. So Sello is less about product discovery and more about creating those product listings and handling the purchases.
“We think the marketplaces of the future are these social networks and instant messaging and all that stuff,” he said. “Every person has their own footprint, and we allow them to reach out to the community that matters most to them.”

Lobay also described this as Shopify’s first “consumer-facing app.” But it’s not just useful for people selling random stuff — Lobay’s hoping that it encourages people who’ve got a great idea or have built a cool product to actually try selling it. And if they’re successful, then they could eventually move onto larger Shopify platform.
“[Sello] can be for anybody,” he added. “It can be for makers, for people that are selling their own creations, the whole point is it’s for people who have never sold before, it’s their first time. That’s the thread that ties all those people together.”
Sello is available for iOS and Android. It’s a free app and there are no transaction fees (but you will have to pay for payment processing).

Rotten Food Detectors

A startup company called ‘C2Sense’ created an artificial nose-like device, which will detect if perishable food items have gone rotten. The human nose can detect many odors and determine whether food is good or bad -- but not all the time.

This device is essentially a small computer chip. It contains the technology required to determine rotten foods, by recording the level of ethylene gas. This gas is emitted from perishable food items as they begin to turn rotten. When the gas is emitted, it can also reduce the lifespan of any other fruits and vegetables that are close by.

In order to avoid questionable foods, or indulging in awful scents, this device will do it instead. The ultimate goal for C2Sense is to be placed within food packages, which will allow for consumers to conduct their usual shopping with an added sense of health and security.