Thursday, 12 November 2015


Li-Fi technology started from the 1990’s in some countries like Germany, Korea, and Japan. “Harald Hass” who is the professor of the University of Edinburgh has found the Li-Fi to transmit the data using visible light in his research.
 What is Li-Fi?
Li-Fi is transmission of data through illumination, sending data through a LED light bulb that varies in intensity faster than the human eye can follow.
German physicist,DR.Harald Haas

Li-Fi stands for LIGHT FIDELITY . It is a wireless communication technology and consider as the new version of Wi-Fi. It uses LED s (Light Emitted Diodes) to transmit the data .

How Li-Fi works?
Every LED bulb can be used like Wi-Fi hot-spots and can sending data through the LED light bulb .If the LED is on , transmit the digital 1’s. If its off you transmit a 0’s. It can be switched ON and OFF very quickly. So its operational procedure is very simple.
Li-Fi and Wi-Fi transmit data through the electromagnetic spectrum. But Li-Fi uses visual light instead of Radio waves to transmit data.

Visible light transmits the information more faster than Radio wave. Researchers said that Li-Fi transmit the data 250 times faster than super fast broadband. And the visible light spectrum is 10,000 times larger than the Radio frequency.
Wi-Fi communication has some issues .Expensive, limited transmission, easy to hack, cannot use it under the water. But Li-Fi gives relief from these issues.

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